Tuesday, 8th October, 2:00 PM.(BST)
We are excited to invite you to join the Social Theories in Research and Practice programme for 2024-25. Introductory Session will be on 8th October, 2:00 PM. You can join both in person at Ellen Wilkinson Building, Room AG.11 at University of Manchester or join via zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97329455060
This innovative study programme brings together a collaborative group of students and tutors, all interested in applying social theories to research problems in practice. The programme is open to both Masters and PhD level students as well as anyone who has an interest in the field.
The strands for this year include:
- bell hooks
- Archer
- Fanon
- Foucault
- Butler
- Dewey
- Vygotsky
You will have the opportunity to engage with an excellent team of tutors:
- Catherine Atkinson
- Erica Burman
- Julian Williams
- Laura Goodfellow
- Mark Carrigan
- Paul Smith
- Timothy Siew
For any questions, feel free to email me at laya.hooshyari@manchester.ac.uk.