Essay by A.D. Maidansky, University of Belgorod
In his well-known article, “The Socialist Reformation of Man,” Vygotsky argued that the new socialist order would require a new type of person and that in order for this kind of person to emerge, society would need a new kind of education, polytechnic education. In discussions about Vygotsky’s article, it became clear that many of the participants had never heard of polytechnical education, and wanted to know more about it. Not long ago, I encountered Andrey Maidansky’s essay tracing the concept of polytechnical education from Marx to Vygotsky and Ilyenkov. Thanks to Professor Maidansky’s permission to publish his essay on Cultura lPraxis, and to David Kellogg for his fine translation and suggestion of relevant poster art from the USSR. – Michael Cole
Access Professor Maidansky’s essay here.
Funding: This study was funded by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF), project number 24-18-00130.
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Yes. It is interesting. But it has not been publicized so nobody knows it is here. A Pity.
This is interesting!